Marvel Team-Up #100 - Frank Miller art & cover, John Byrne art + 1st Karma

Marvel Team-Up #100 marvel 1980s comic book cover art by Frank Miller John Byrne
Frank Miller
Marvel Team-Up v1 #100, 1980 - Featuring Spider-man and the Fantastic Four, this double-sized milestone issue pits the heroes against Karma, a mutant marking her first appearance and origin. Frank Miller's cover portrays the FF's zombie-like state within a graphic, yet compelling design. Inside, his formidable pencils are softened and enhanced by Bob Wiacek's inks. This story was later reprinted in Marvel Tales v2 #250. Less impressive is John Byrne's back-up tale, teaming up the Black Panther with the X-men's Storm. His drawings seem more conservative than usual, residing within straightforward layouts. This is 20 of 20 Marvel Team-Up issues by Byrne and 3 of 5 Marvel Team-Up issues by Miller. /// key 1st appearance, 1st origin Xi'an Coy Manh as Karma, Milestone issue
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Miller cover pencils (Klaus Janson inks) = ***
"Karma" Miller story pencils (Bob Wiacek inks) 28 pages = ***
"Cry Vengeance!" Byrne story pencils (Bob McCleod inks) 10 pages = **

Marvel Team-Up #100 marvel 1980s comic book page art by Frank Miller
Frank Miller
Marvel Team-Up #100 marvel 1980s comic book page art by John Byrne
John Byrne

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Marvel Team-Up #100 - Frank Miller art & cover, John Byrne art + 1st Karma Marvel Team-Up #100 - Frank Miller art & cover, John Byrne art + 1st Karma Reviewed by Ted F on 7:08 PM Rating: 5

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