Our Fighting Forces #13 - Joe Kubert art

Our Fighting Forces #13
Our Fighting Forces v1 #13, 1956 - A former Olympic-level skier finds himself on a familiar mountain, this time as a soldier scouting for Nazi encampments. The story is essentially a race from start to finish, with Joe Kubert setting the pace and imagery. His drawings are meticulous rather than hurried, only enhancing the tale. A final sequence captures the distance and relatively calm of the alpine setting. This story was later reprinted in GI Combat #146. Another story, "The Green Pidgeon" looks suspiciously like Alex Toth, but sources credit the work to Irv Novick. Other artists in this golden age comic include Jerry Grandenetti, Jack Abel and Russ Heath. This is 6 of 110 Our Fighting Forces issues by Kubert.
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"Hickory-Foot Soldier" Kubert story pencils and inks 6 pages = ***

Joe Kubert
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Our Fighting Forces #13 - Joe Kubert art Our Fighting Forces #13 - Joe Kubert art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 6:00 PM Rating: 5

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