Tarzan #61 - Russ Manning art

Tarzan #61
Tarzan v1 #611954 - Spending the night with a caravan, the Brothers of the Spear head for home, only to be followed by warriors of an unknown tribe. Russ Manning reaches the mid-point of his run on the series. His mixing of open and framed panels, high contrast shadows and other techniques show a maturation of his style. A brief dream sequence on the first page has a strong symbolic quality rarely used by the artist during this era. Other artists in this golden age comic include Jesse Marsh. This is 23 of 133 Tarzan issues by Manning.
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Untitled Brothers of the Spear story Manning pencils and inks 6 pages = ***

Russ Manning
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Tarzan #61 - Russ Manning art Tarzan #61 - Russ Manning art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 2:00 AM Rating: 5

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