Russ Manning profile

Russ Manning (1929-81) - After studying at the Los Angeles County Art Institute and a stint in the army, Manning began his comics career at Dell Publishing in the 1950s. His first published work was a Brothers of the Spear short in Tarzan #39. The artist would continue drawing this backup feature well into the 1960s, eventually taking over the main Tarzan feature. Manning would also draw Dell comics based on tv shows and movies, notably Sea Hunt, 77 Sunset Strip and Wyatt Earp. Along with Tarzan, his most memorable works include his exceptional run on Magnus Robot Fighter and his Star Wars newspaper strips of the 1970s. His drawings were clean, crisp and streamlined, placed within conventional layouts that bolstered the storytelling. Manning's approach stood out for its clarity and efficiency. Read more on Wikipedia.

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Russ Manning profile Russ Manning profile Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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