Our Fighting Forces #123 - Joe Kubert cover + 1st Losers series begins

Joe Kubert
Our Fighting Forces v1 #123, 1970 - All seeking new assignments, Captain Storm, Johnny Cloud and Gunner and Sarge are grouped together for an impossibly dangerous task. Interestingly, the Hellcats (the series' previous lead feature) segues into the Losers' start on the series. Following their first appearance in G.I. Combat #138, the team would go on to headline Our Fighting Forces until its final issue in 1978. Signaling the change is Joe Kubert's gripping cover, utilizing an enormous masthead / trade dress that only somewhat detracts from the overall scene. This Robert Kanigher story was drawn by Ken Barr. This is 67 of 110 Our Fighting Forces issues by Kubert. /// key 1st series the Losers begin
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Kubert cover pencils and inks = ***
"No Medals No Graves" 14 pages

1st Losers series begins
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Our Fighting Forces #123 - Joe Kubert cover + 1st Losers series begins Our Fighting Forces #123 - Joe Kubert cover + 1st Losers series begins Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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