Adventure Comics #247 - 1st Legion of Super-heroes

Adventure Comics #247

Adventure Comics v1 #247, 1958 - Super-powered teens from the future invite Superboy to join their exclusive club. As part of his admission, he must complete a series of super-tasks while competing with each member. The Legion of Super-heroes make their first appearance in this DC golden age tale. Certain panels suggest more members, but only Saturn Girl, Cosmic Boy and Lightning Boy (later known as Lightning Lad) are featured. Written by Otto Binder and drawn by Al Plastino, this story was later reprinted in Adventure Comics #491 and DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest #1. /// key 1st appearance, 1st cover Legion of Super-heroes
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"The Legion of Super-heroes" 12 pages

1st Legion of Super-heroes appearance
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Adventure Comics #247 - 1st Legion of Super-heroes Adventure Comics #247 - 1st Legion of Super-heroes Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 3:57 PM Rating: 5

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