Stardust Kid #5 - Mike Ploog art

Mike Ploog
Stardust Kid v1 #5, 2007 - Cody DiMarco, a teen transformed into the Stardust Kid, leads an army into a final confrontation with the Woman. Will her hatred of mankind fuel her towards victory? Mike Ploog draws the conclusion of this saga with childlike enthusiasm. The youthful characters and fantastical creatures all benefit from his unique, textural style. This is 5 of 5 Stardust Kid issues by Ploog.
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Ploog cover pencils and inks = ***
Untitled story Ploog pencils and inks 23 pages = ***

Mike Ploog
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Stardust Kid #5 - Mike Ploog art Stardust Kid #5 - Mike Ploog art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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