Creepy #125 - Alex Toth, Alex Nino art

Creepy #125
Creepy v1 #125, 1981 - A traveling freak show arrives in a small rural town, where crowds immediately flock to see the twisted and bizarre. Alex Toth rarely inked other people's work, but here he supplies finishes over Carmine Infantino's pencils. There's enough similarity in styles to be compatible. Toth does tend to dominate, in this case clearly adding a disturbing dimension to the artwork. In Alex Nino's tale, a mobster makes a deal with a leprechaun, giving him control over 1930s Chicago. Despite his strong page and panel designs, his drawings are too distorted bordering on cartoonish. Given the story's theme and setting, the approach seems far off the mark. Other artists in this bronze age magazine include Martin Salvador and Alfredo Alcala. This is 13 of 14 Creepy issues by Nino and 15 of 15 Creepy issues by Toth. /// Nino gallery
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"Circus of the Bizarre" Toth story inks (Carmine Infantino pencils) 5 pages = ***
"Top Dog" Nino story pencils and inks 8 pages = **

(All interiors in black and white)

Alex Nino
Alex Toth
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Creepy #125 - Alex Toth, Alex Nino art Creepy #125 - Alex Toth, Alex Nino art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 11:22 AM Rating: 5

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