Star Reach #6 - Jeff Jones cover, Alex Nino art

Star Reach #6 bronze age 1970s comic book cover art by Jeff Jones
Jeff Jones
Star Reach v1 #6, 1976 - Too many design elements distract from Jeff Jones' otherwise splendid portrait of Elric of Melnibone. The painting repeats on the back cover, standing on its own merit. Inside this fanzine, Alex Nino provides a single montage across two pages for a Ray Bradbury poem. Lushly illustrated, its experimental approach hints at the artist's later sci-fi works for 1984 and 1994 magazines. Other artists in this issue include Joe Staton, Gene Day, Steve Leialoha and Bob Gould. Other artists in this issue include Joe Staton and Gray Lyda. This is 1 of 1 Star Reach issues by Jones and 1 of 1 Star Reach issues by Nino.
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Jones cover painting = ***
"Why Viking Lander/Mars?" Nino story pencils and inks 2 pages (black and white) = ****

Star Reach #6 bronze age 1970s comic book page art by Alex Nino
Alex Nino
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Star Reach #6 - Jeff Jones cover, Alex Nino art Star Reach #6 - Jeff Jones cover, Alex Nino art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 3:00 AM Rating: 5

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