Thor #134 - Jack Kirby art & cover + 1st High Evolutionary

Jack Kirby
Thor v1 #134, 1966 - Speeding to a small eastern European country, Thor finds Jane Foster inside an enclave within Wundagore Mountain. Unharmed, she is a guest of the High Evolutionary, a scientist who genetically experiments with animals. Jack Kirby's drawings, both on the cover and main story, are too loosely delineated. His layouts are small compensation, working best on the large panels and splash pages. Ironically, his work on the back-up Tales of Asgard is noticeably better. This is 9 of 54 Thor issues by Kirby. /// key 1st appearance, 1st cover High Evolutionary
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Kirby cover pencils (Vince Colletta inks) = **
"The People-Breeders" Kirby story pencils (Vince Colletta inks) 16 pages = **
"When Speaks the Dragon" Kirby story pencils (Vince Colletta inks) 5 pages = ***

Jack Kirby / 1st High Evolutionary

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Thor #134 - Jack Kirby art & cover + 1st High Evolutionary Thor #134 - Jack Kirby art & cover + 1st High Evolutionary Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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