Detective Comics #506 - Don Newton art + 1st Manikin

Detective Comics #506
Detective Comics v1 #506, 1981 - Someone is killing fashion designers in Gotham. Batman takes the necessary steps to protect the remaining targets. This tale marks the first appearance of the ManikinDon Newton begins with a massive explosion on the splash page, starting the action early on. Steve Mitchell's inks are a bit clunky at times, but largely offset by the aesthetically pleasing layouts. Newton's compositions are more thoughtful than usual, particularly the firebomb sequence on page 12. This story was later reprinted in Tales of the Batman: Gerry Conway TPB #2.  Other artists in this issue include Jose Delbo and Joe Giella. Cover by Rich Buckler and Dick Giordano. This is 25 of 39 Detective Comics issues by Newton. /// key 1st appearance, 1st cover Manikin
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"Who Dies for the Manikin?" Newton story pencils (Steve Mitchell inks) 17 pages = ***
Don Newton
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Detective Comics #506 - Don Newton art + 1st Manikin Detective Comics #506 - Don Newton art + 1st Manikin Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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