My Love Story v2 #7 - Alex Toth, Matt Baker art

My Love Story v2 #7
My Love Story v2 #7, 1957 - Can Peggy hide her working class background from her Park Avenue boyfriend? Not for long. Famous for his figure drawing, Matt Baker also indulges in several close-ups of the couple. Gorgeously drawn, the story also elicits empathy for the main character. Alex Toth does just as well on his tale of a new wife who does her duties almost too well. His drawings are more choppy than fluid, but softens the edges with a variety of background patterns. Toth also plays with panel edges, changing them to fit the characters' moods. Perhaps most impressive is his opening scene of the adoring newlyweds, perfectly placed and composed. Other artists in this golden age comic include Vince Colletta. This is 3 of 3 My Love Story issues by Baker and 1 of 1 My Love Story issues by Toth.
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"More Than A Wife" Toth story pencils and inks 4 pages = ***
"When He Meets My Family" Baker story pencils and inks 5 pages = ****

Alex Toth
Matt Baker
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My Love Story v2 #7 - Alex Toth, Matt Baker art My Love Story v2 #7 - Alex Toth, Matt Baker art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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