Marvel Fanfare #1 - Frank Miller art + 1st issue

Marvel Fanfare #1
Marvel Fanfare v1 #1, 1982 - Printed in prestige format (better paper), this first issue features Spider-man, Ka-Zar and the X-men in a single story. A Daredevil back-up tale is referenced by Frank Miller on the back cover. He was DD's series artist at the same, but this work is more crudely drawn and composed. Not sure what kind of smoke billows out in globules (something chemical perhaps?), but it's an odd abstraction that adds little to the aesthetic. This issue also includes cover artwork by Michael Golden. This is 1 of 2 Marvel Fanfare issues by Miller. /// key 1st issue
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back cover pencils and inks = **

Frank Miller

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Marvel Fanfare #1 - Frank Miller art + 1st issue Marvel Fanfare #1 - Frank Miller art + 1st issue Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5


DanMan said...

The buildings in the background are nicely drawn in a Wlll Eisner manner. What is Daredevil sitting on?

Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink said...

Perched on the edge maybe? Your Eisner reference makes sense since Miller was heavily influenced by him.

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