Dark Horse Presents #56 - Frank Miller, John Byrne art

Dark Horse Presents #56
Dark Horse Presents v1 #56, 1991 - Hit by a careening car, Marv questions his sanity when he sees the attacker is his just deceased lover, Goldie. This Sin City episode is especially fast paced. Frank Miller employs mostly horizontal panels, reinforcing the film noir influence. The artwork maintains its graphic quality as the overall storyline reaches its midpoint. This episode was later reprinted in the Sin City trade paperback. In a separate tale, John Byrne reveals the Next Men as part of a top secret, perhaps illegal government program. Though straightforward and competent, his illustrations show no lack of enthusiasm or effort. Other artists in this issue include Tony Akins. This is 3 of 4 Dark Horse Presents issues by Byrne and 6 of 13 Dark Horse Presents issues by Miller.
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"Sin City episode 7" Miller story pencils and inks 8 pages (black and white) = ****
"Prelude" Byrne story pencils and inks 8 pages (black and white) = ***

John Byrne
Frank Miller
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Dark Horse Presents #56 - Frank Miller, John Byrne art Dark Horse Presents #56 - Frank Miller, John Byrne art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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