Detective Comics #494 - Don Newton art

Detective Comics #494
Detective Comics v1 #494, 1980 - A medical doctor conceals a secret life, one where he participates in large scale burglaries. The Batmobile careens through the rain in Don Newton's dramatic opening splash. His subsequent pages are adequately drawn, along with varied layouts. Bob Smith's inking does its intended job, providing clarity and definition. This story, which concludes the following issue, was later reprinted in Tales of the Batman: Don Newton #1. Robin, Batgirl and Black Lightning are also featured in this issue. Other artists in this copper age comic include Jim Aparo, Jose Delbo, Frank Chiaramonte and Dan Spiegle. This is 14 of 39 Detective Comics issues by Newton.
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"The Crime Doctor Calls at Midnight" Newton story pencils (Bob Smith inks) 16 pages = ***

Don Newton
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Detective Comics #494 - Don Newton art Detective Comics #494 - Don Newton art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 10:09 AM Rating: 5

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