Dreadstar #5 - Jim Starlin art & cover

Jim Starlin
Dreadstar v1 #5, 1983 - Vanth prepares the new warship given to him by a grateful Monarchy. Meanhile, Sygyzy, Oedi and Skeevo travel to the Commune, a communications complex and neutral player in the ongoing galactic war. Jim Starlin's layouts seem more conservative than usual, perhaps allowing the dialogue to come to the fore. In a refreshing change, the story features more of the team's supporting characters. This is 5 of 32 Dreadstar issues by Starlin.
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Starlin cover pencils and inks = ***
"The Commune" Starlin story pencils and inks 30 pages = ***
Starlin back cover pencils and inks = ***

Jim Starlin
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Dreadstar #5 - Jim Starlin art & cover Dreadstar #5 - Jim Starlin art & cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:00 AM Rating: 5

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