Sgt. Rock #385 - Joe Kubert cover, Alex Toth reprint

Joe Kubert
Sgt. Rock v1 #385, 1984 - Against a backdrop of buried soldiers, Rock engages in deadly hand-to-hand combat with a frenzied Nazi. Competently drawn, Joe Kubert's artwork uses a triangular layout to maximum effect. Note the knife's placement, emphasizing the word "kill" in the cover title. Included in this issue is a classic Alex Toth's tale from Our Fighting Forces #134. Other artists in this copper age comic include Frank Redondo.
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Kubert cover pencils and inks = ***

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Sgt. Rock #385 - Joe Kubert cover, Alex Toth reprint Sgt. Rock #385 - Joe Kubert cover, Alex Toth reprint   Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:02 AM Rating: 5

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