Crime Suspenstories #17 - Al Williamson / Frank Frazetta art

Crime Suspenstories #17
Crime Suspenstories v1 #17, 1952 - A handsome ranch hand takes advantage of his female boss, parlaying his looks into the foreman's job and other advantages. This tale of passion, obessission and rejection is beautifully drawn by Al Williamson. Winsome women and handsome men are portrayed against rugged and often painterly backdrops (see interior page below). Frank Frazetta's inks are exceptional, increasing dimension in many scenes. His fluid style also raises the overall aesthetic, evident in the characters' faces and expressions. Other artists in this golden age comic include Johnny Craig, Will Elder and Jack Kamen. This is 1 of 1 Crime Suspenstories issues by Frazetta and 3 of 3 Crime Suspenstories issues by Williamson.
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"Fired" Williamson story pencils / Frazetta inks 6 pages = ****

Al Williamson / Frank Frazetta
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Crime Suspenstories #17 - Al Williamson / Frank Frazetta art Crime Suspenstories #17 - Al Williamson / Frank Frazetta art Reviewed by Ted F on 8:53 AM Rating: 5

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