Thunder Agents #20 - Wally Wood reprints

Thunder Agents v1 #20 tower silver age 1960s comic book cover art
Thunder Agents #20

T.h.u.n.d.e.r. Agents v1 #20, 1969 - In an issue comprised mostly of reprints, the most noteworthy contents are three Wally Wood tales published earlier in the series. "Red Dragon" and "Noman Faces the Amazing Threat of Vibraman" come from Thunder Agents #3, while "Return of the Iron Maiden" originated in Thunder Agents #4. Other artists in this silver age comic include Chic Stone. 

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Thunder Agents #20 - Wally Wood reprints Thunder Agents #20 - Wally Wood reprints Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 2:38 PM Rating: 5

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