Spectacular Spider-man v2 #50 - Frank Miller cover

Spectacular Spider-man v2 #50 marvel 1980s comic book cover art by Frank Miller

(Peter Parker) The Spectacular Spider-man v2 #50, 1981 - This well-designed cover places multiple figures in just the right places to convey depth. The duality of Peter Parker and Spider-man is a technique Frank Miller (and others) used often and works well in this case. For a commemoration of Spectacular Spider-man's 50th issue, one could do far worse. Other artists in this copper age comic include John Romita Jr. and Jim Mooney. This is 5 of 12 Spectacular Spider-man issues by Miller. /// Miller gallery
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Miller cover pencils ( Josef Rubinstein inks) = ***

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Spectacular Spider-man v2 #50 - Frank Miller cover Spectacular Spider-man v2 #50 - Frank Miller cover Reviewed by Ted F on 2:03 PM Rating: 5

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