Strange Worlds #4 - Wally Wood art & cover

Wally Wood
Strange Worlds v1 #4, 1951 - Two Wally Wood tales stand out from the rest of the issue, as the artist displays a unique  talent for the genre. In "The Vampires of the Void" starring Kenton of the Space Patrol, Wood gets an assist from Joe Orlando. His inking does fine up until the final few pages. "The Lost Kingdom of Athala" is far better in its aesthetic die to Wood's pencils and inks. His figure drawings and layouts are unpolished but noticeably unique. Both stories were later reprinted in >Strange Planets #9. Wood's cover, with its emphasis on the female form, is one of his best of the era. Other artists in this golden age science fiction comic include George Tuska. This is 3 of 5 Strange Worlds issues by Wood.
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Wood cover pencils and inks = *****
Wood inside front cover pencils and inks (black and white) = **
"The Lost Kingdom of Athala" Wood story pencils and inks 7 pages = ***
"The Vampires of the Void" Wood story pencils and inks (Joe Orlando pencils and inks) 8 pages = **

Wally Wood
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Strange Worlds #4 - Wally Wood art & cover Strange Worlds #4 - Wally Wood art & cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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