Quick-Trigger Western #18 - Matt Baker art

Quick-Trigger Western #18

Quick-Trigger Western v1 #18, 1957 - The opening panel's saloon shoot-out is an exciting start to this Matt Baker tale. Despite some odd coloring, the artwork is dependable and well executed. On page 2 panel 7, the concerned look on the woman's face is a fine example of how Baker uses close-ups to convey character moods. His drawings are a grittier than usual, but still retain their subtlety. Other artists in this issue include Gray Morrow, Joe Sinnott, Ted Galindo and Ross Andru. Cover by Joe Maneely. This is 3 of 3 Quick-Trigger Western issues by Baker. /// Baker gallery
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"Trail of the Owlhoot" Baker story pencils and inks 5 pages = ***

Matt Baker
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Quick-Trigger Western #18 - Matt Baker art Quick-Trigger Western #18 - Matt Baker art Reviewed by Ted F on 3:39 PM Rating: 5

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