Journey Into Mystery #43 - Al Williamson art, non-attributed Matt Baker art

Journey Into Mystery #43
Journey Into Mystery v1 #43, 1957 - In Al Williamson's tale, an older couple finds a strange meteor in their vastly rural area. His loosely drawn pencils are competent, but the inking lacks definition and clarity. Some price guides attribute the inks to Ralph Mayo, but I think this may have been inked by Gray Morrow or Williamson himself. The opening splash page, with its various shadows and textures, is the high point of the story. In another failed attribution, Matt Baker illustrates a tale about an unseen assassin. Grimly and seriously drawn, his characters' faces are especially memorable. Other artists in this golden age comic include Jim Mooney, Bernard Baily, John Forte and Jay Scott Pike. Cover by Carl Burgos. This is 2 of 4 Journey Into Mystery issues by Williamson and 1 of 2 Journey Into Mystery issues by Baker
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"The Invisible Woman" Baker story pencils and inks 4 pages = ***
"Secret of the Strange Stone" Williamson story pencils (and inks?) 3 pages = **

Matt Baker
Al Williamson
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Journey Into Mystery #43 - Al Williamson art, non-attributed Matt Baker art Journey Into Mystery #43 - Al Williamson art, non-attributed Matt Baker art Reviewed by Ted F on 8:53 AM Rating: 5

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