Bizarre Adventures #31 - John Byrne, Frank Miller art

Bizarre Adventures #31

7. Bizarre Adventures v1 #31, 1982 - Violence is this issue's central theme, embedded within a collection of short stories. John Byrne chronicles a modern day book burning, told in two succinct pages but nicely rendered despite its brevity. By and large, Frank Miller's "The Philistine" is the most significant contribution. Visually breathtaking, the artist juxtaposes old engravings with his contemporary drawings. The combination is unusual, but dramatically successful. Other artists in this issue include Herb Trimpe, Steve Smallwood, Bill Sienkiewicz, Mark Armstrong, Ralph Reese and Steve Bissette. Cover by Joe Jusko. This is 1 of 1 Bizarre Adventures issues by Byrne and 2 of 2 Bizarre Adventures issues by Miller. /// Top 10 Miller comics
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"The Philistine" Miller story pencils and inks 8 pages (black and white) = *****
Untitled Byrne story pencils and inks 2
pages (black and white) = ***

John Byrne
Frank Miller

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Bizarre Adventures #31 - John Byrne, Frank Miller art Bizarre Adventures #31 - John Byrne, Frank Miller art Reviewed by Ted F on 10:39 PM Rating: 5


rick said...

Steve Bissette's story "A Frog is a Frog" is one of the most powerful 'coming of age stories' ever rendered in sequential art. Highly over looked in your synopsis here. As is Steve perry's art for said story.

in my humble opinion.

Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink said...

Loved Steve Bissette's art on Miracleman and Swamp Thing. Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with the full scope of his work to have an informed opinion. Any recommended issues would be welcome.

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