Teen Titans #22 - Neal Adams art + 1st Wonder Girl origin

Teen Titans v1 #22 dc comic book cover art by Nick Cardy
Teen Titans #22
Teen Titans v1 #22, 1969 - The Titans continue their fight against inter-dimensional aliens, nicely conveyed by Nick Cardy's arresting cover. Unfortunately, his inks on the interior story fail to do justice to Neal Adams' pencils. Most panels seem incomplete and resemble rough layouts rather than finished pages. Adams' drawings are noticeably lacking in clarity, more so than his previous issues. This story was later reprinted in Best of DC #18. On the bright side, a back-up tale features Wonder Girl's her earliest childhood memories and subsequent adoption by the Amazons. She begins calling herself Donna Troy and introduces a new look, courtesy of Haney and Gil Kane. This story was reprinted in DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest #5. This is 3 of 3 Teen Titans issues by Adams. /// key 1st origin Wonder Girl
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"Halfway To Holocaust" Adams story pencils (Nick Cardy inks) 16 pages = **
"The Origin of Wonder Girl" 8 pages

Teen Titans v1 #22 dc comic book page art by Neal Adams
Neal Adams
1st Wonder Girl origin
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Teen Titans #22 - Neal Adams art + 1st Wonder Girl origin Teen Titans #22 - Neal Adams art + 1st Wonder Girl origin Reviewed by Ted F on 8:52 AM Rating: 5

1 comment:

david_b said...

Arguably the BEST vintage TT cover done.

There were a few outstanding ones in the 20s, but this one surpasses them all...!!

I need a 16"x20" of this matted/framed.

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