Doctor Strange v2 #53 - Marshall Rogers art & cover

Marshall Rogers
Doctor Strange v2 #53, 1982 - Traveling back in time to ancient Egypt, Dr. Strange unexpected Rama-Tut. The issue essentially replays the story from Fantastic Four #19, but includes Strange's influence on the event. Marshall Rogers pays homage to Jack Kirby by doing his own rendition of the original cover. This creative plot is augmented by the terrific artwork. Rogers' arresting opening splash, Strange's arrival through a time portal (page 3) and the devastating finale are all excellent. This is 6 of 6 Doctor Strange v2 issues by Rogers. /// Rogers gallery
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Rogers cover pencils (Terry Austin inks) = ***
Land Of The Pharoahs" Rogers story pencils (Terry Austin inks) 22 pages = ****

Marshall Rogers
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Doctor Strange v2 #53 - Marshall Rogers art & cover Doctor Strange v2 #53 - Marshall Rogers art & cover Reviewed by Ted F on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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