Green Lantern v2 #86 - Neal Adams art & cover, Alex Toth reprint + Landmark issue

Green Lantern Green Arrow #83 bronze age 1970s dc drug comic book cover art by Neal Adams
Neal Adams
Green Lantern / Green Arrow v2 #86, 1970 - After discovering Speedy's heroin addiction, Green Arrow and Green Lantern try to address the drug problem firsthand. The thought-provoking cover shows the heroes overwhelmed by the enormity of the challenge. In this conclusion of a two-part storyline, Neal Adams takes great care in layout and pacing. One features a dramatic sequence framed by Green Lantern's silhouette (see interior page below). The artist also employs two full page splashes, including the stark depiction of a junkie's overdose. Adams' realistic style perfectly captures the seriousness of the theme. This story was later reprinted in Green Lantern Green Arrow #6. Also in this issue is a golden age Alex Toth reprint from All-American Comics #92. This is 12 of 15 Green Lantern v2 issues by Adams. /// key Landmark issue (1st drug use in DC comics pt 2 of 2) / Adams gallery
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Adams cover pencils and inks = ****
"They Say It'll Kill Me, But They Won't Say When"
Adams story pencils (Dick Giordano inks) 25 pages = ***

Green Lantern Green Arrow #86 bronze age 1970s dc comic book page art by Neal Adams
Neal Adams
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Green Lantern v2 #86 - Neal Adams art & cover, Alex Toth reprint + Landmark issue Green Lantern v2 #86 - Neal Adams art & cover, Alex Toth reprint + Landmark issue Reviewed by Ted F on 6:25 PM Rating: 5

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