All-American Comics #92 - Alex Toth art & cover

Alex Toth
All-American Comics v1 #92, 1948 - Kidnapped while still in his civilian identity, the Green Lantern is handed over to a would-be South American dictator by his foe the Icicle. In an early work for DC, Alex Toth shows more enthusiasm than skill. His layouts and drawings lack polish, but the level of detail is impressive. Toth's cover is a mirror image of the opening splash, presumably a way for the publisher to save money. This story was later reprinted in Green Lantern v2 #86. Other artists in this golden age comic include Irwin Hasen and Al Smith. This is 2 of 9 All-American Comics issues by Toth.
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"The Icicle Goes South" Toth story pencils and inks 12 pages = **

Alex Toth

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All-American Comics #92 - Alex Toth art & cover All-American Comics #92 - Alex Toth art & cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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