Chamber of Darkness #8 - Bernie Wrightson cover, Steve Ditko reprints

Bernie Wrightson
Chamber of Darkness v1 #8, 1970 - On this outstanding Bernie Wrightson cover, a beast blatantly grabs a victim in the midst of a Halloween party. Finely applied brushstrokes give the creature increased depth and dimension. Among the costumed attendees, Frankenstein peers tentatively in the background. Reprints fill most of the interiors, most notably two Steve Ditko tales from Strange Tales #90 and Tales to Astonish #15, respectively. Other artists in this issue include Dan Adkins, Bill Everett and Don Heck. This is 2 of 2 Chamber of Darkness issues by Wrightson. /// original coverWrightson gallery
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Wrightson cover pencils and inks = ****

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Chamber of Darkness #8 - Bernie Wrightson cover, Steve Ditko reprints Chamber of Darkness #8 - Bernie Wrightson cover, Steve Ditko reprints Reviewed by Ted F on 4:54 PM Rating: 5
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