X-men #59 - Neal Adams art & cover

X-men #59 cover art by Neal Adams / silver age 1960s marvel comic book / Sentinels
Neal Adams

9.  X-men v1 #59, 1969 - In this final installment of the Sentinels storyline, Cyclops, Marvel Girl and the Beast attempt a rescue at their hidden base. Neal Adams continues to illustrate the team with consummate skill. His ominous cover takes license with perspective, though the end result is visually striking. Inside, the opening page depicts the X-men dramatically lit from below, a brief pause before the ensuing action. Perhaps most compelling are the battle scenes on pages 7-8, a pair of exquisitely drawn and composed pages. An unexpected splash appears toward the story's end, showing the Sentinels' flight toward their final destination. This story was later reprinted in Giant-size X-men #2, X-Men Classics #1 and X-men Classics #2. This is 4 of 9 X-men issues by Adams. /// Top 10 Adams comics / Adams gallery
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Adams cover pencils and inks = ****
"Do Or Die, Baby"
Adams story pencils (Tom Palmer inks) 20 pages = *****

X-men #59 page art by Neal Adams / silver age 1960s marvel comic book / Cyclops Jean Grey
Neal Adams
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X-men #59 - Neal Adams art & cover X-men #59 - Neal Adams art & cover Reviewed by Ted F on 8:24 AM Rating: 5

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