Avengers #95 - Neal Adams art

Avengers #94 bronze age 1970s marvel comic book cover art by John Buscema
Avengers #95
Avengers v1 #95, 1972 - The amphibious Triton arrives at Avengers mansion, seeking their help in finding the Inhumans' missing monarch. Picking up from events in Amazing Adventures #5-8 , the story weaves into the third installment of the Kree-Skrull saga. Neal Adams' artwork employs more numerous panels, but largely meets expectations. Among the best drawn pages are the opening splash and the Vision's near confrontation with Iron Man (see interior page below). Equally compelling is Black Bolt's flashback sequences (pages 12-14), told in monochromatic hues for further distinction. This bronze age story was later reprinted in Kree-Skrull War #2. Cover by John Buscema and Tom Palmer. This is 4 of 5 Avengers issues by Adams
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"Something Inhuman This Way Comes" Adams story pencils (Tom Palmer inks) 21 pages = ***

Avengers #95 bronze age 1970s marvel comic book page art by Neal Adams
Neal Adams
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Avengers #95 - Neal Adams art Avengers #95 - Neal Adams art Reviewed by Ted F on 8:21 AM Rating: 5

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