The Spectre #9 - Bernie Wrightson art

Spectre #9
The Spectre v1 #9, 1969 - In Bernie Wrightson's back-up story, The Spectre becomes more of an observer of events rather than a full participant. A magician sells his soul to the devil in order to rule a small country, while the Spectre awaits in judgment. Wrightson's dark foreboding style seems to perfectly fit the character, more so even than the previous Neal Adams issues. His fluid brushwork adds an attractively eerie quality throughout the pages. This story was later reprinted in House of Mystery #224. Other artists in this silver age comic include Jerry Grandenetti and Jack Sparling. Cover by Nick Cardy. This is 1 of 1 Spectre issues by Wrightson.
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"Abraca-Doom" Wrightson story pencils and inks 9 pages = ***

Spectre v1 #9 dc 1960s silver age comic book page art by Bernie Wrightson
Bernie Wrightson
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The Spectre #9 - Bernie Wrightson art The Spectre #9 - Bernie Wrightson art Reviewed by Ted F on 7:27 PM Rating: 5

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