Nightmare v2 #10 - Joe Kubert cover, Alex Toth reprint

Joe Kubert
Nightmare v2 #10, 1954 - The devil is drawn to an artisan mask-maker on this creepy Joe Kubert cover. A subtle tilt of the the lamp on the left helps lead the reader's eye to the central character. Amidst the grotesque faces, Kubert inserts a classical female statuette, perhaps to heighten the contrast. This issue also contains an Alex Toth reprint from Weird Thrillers #2. Other artists in this golden age horror comic include E.R. Kinstler, Murphy Anderson and Gene Colan. This is 1 of 2 Nightmare v2 issues by Kubert.
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Kubert cover pencils and inks = ***

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Nightmare v2 #10 - Joe Kubert cover, Alex Toth reprint Nightmare v2 #10 - Joe Kubert cover, Alex Toth reprint Reviewed by Ted F on 1:14 PM Rating: 5

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