Detective Comics #481 - Jim Starlin art & cover, Marshall Rogers, Don Newton art

Detective Comics v1 #481 dc comic book cover art by Jim Starlin
Marshall Rogers

1.  Detective Comics v1 #481 starring the Batman Family, 1978 - Three artists within this dollar-sized issue contribute to small sections of the cover, resulting in a collaborative effort. Jim Starlin's tale is about a succession of murders, all pointing to some unknown yet brutal creature. Though adequately paced, the artist's work is thinly delineated on most pages. Don Newton illustrates both the Robin and Man-Bat features, having more success on the first due to Dan Adkins' terrific inking. The most significant work in the issue by far is Marshall Rogers' lead Batman story. The caped crusader travels to London, where a prominent surgeon threatens to destroy his life-saving research. Rogers' exquisite pages contain distinctively English characters. Modern and traditional aspects of the city are faithfully captured and nicely juxtaposed. Contributing both pencils and inks, Rogers delivers his greatest work. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Don Heck and Bob Smith. This is 2 of 39 Detective Comics issues by Newton, 13 of 13 Detective Comics issues by Rogers and 1 of 4 Detective Comics issues by Starlin. /// Top 10 Rogers comics / Rogers gallery
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Starlin partial front cover pencils and inks = ***
Rogers partial front cover pencils and inks = ***
Newton partial front cover pencils and inks = ***
Starlin back cover pencils and inks = ***
"Murder In The Night!" Starlin story pencils (P. Craig Russell inks) 16 pages = **
"Does The Costume Make The Hero?" Newton story
pencils (Dan Adkins inks) 12 pages = ***
"The Whittles Snatch" Newton story
pencils (Dave Hunt inks) 11 pages = **
"Ticket to Tragedy" Rogers story pencils and inks 16 pages = *****

Jim Starlin

Detective Comics v1 #481 dc comic book page art by Marshall Rogers
Marshall Rogers
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Detective Comics #481 - Jim Starlin art & cover, Marshall Rogers, Don Newton art Detective Comics #481 - Jim Starlin art & cover, Marshall Rogers, Don Newton art Reviewed by Ted F on 12:48 PM Rating: 5

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