Wolverine #1 - Frank Miller art & cover + 1st issue

Wolverine v1 #1 1980s marvel comic book cover art by Frank Miller
Frank Miller
Wolverine v1 #1, 1982 - During the late 1970s, Wolverine's increasing popularity in the X-men led to his first solo book. Frank Miller, nearing the end of his historic run on Daredevil, brings his film noir approach to a story about the Japanese underworld. Despite the tongue-in-cheek cover, the pages are eloquently designed and expertly paced. His layouts emphasize strongly vertical or horizontal panels, a hallmark of his style that coincidentally suggests an Asian flair. The story art is least compelling on the first few pages (particularly the unconvincing grizzly on page 3), but these are counter-balanced by the clever, triptych-style window on page 8 and Wolverine's appearance in full costume on page 9. While the entire limited series has been reprinted in trade paperback, I still prefer the originals. This is 1 of 4 Wolverine issues by Miller. /// key 1st issue
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Miller cover pencils (Joe Rubenstein inks) = ***
Miller story pencils (Joe Rubenstein inks) 21 pages = ****

Wolverine v1 #1 1980s marvel comic book page art by Frank Miller
Frank Miller
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Wolverine #1 - Frank Miller art & cover + 1st issue Wolverine #1 - Frank Miller art & cover + 1st issue Reviewed by Ted F on 11:24 AM Rating: 5

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