Ironjaw #2 - Neal Adams cover

Ironjaw v1 #2 atlas seaboard comic book cover art by Neal Adams
Neal Adams
Ironjaw v1 #2, 1975 - The title character attempts to rescue his female companion, pitting himself against a trio of enormous bears. Although Ironjaw's red cape is practically useless in battle, it does add movement and visual interest to the scene. Neal Adams' second cover is more tightly drawn than his first. It showcases his fine rendering skills, despite the crowded layout and inexplicably pinkish background. Other artists in this issue include Pablo Marcos. This is 2 of 2 Ironjaw issues by Adams.
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Adams cover pencils and inks = ***
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Ironjaw #2 - Neal Adams cover Ironjaw #2 - Neal Adams cover Reviewed by Ted F on 2:15 PM Rating: 5

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