Authentic Police Cases #29 - Matt Baker cover

Matt Baker
Authentic Police Cases v1 #29, 1953 - In what appears to be a bus station, a suspicious couple stakes out the lockers while looking out for policemen. Compared to her roguish companion, the woman is glamorously dressed. Her facial expression captures her paranoid state, intensified by her direct gaze toward the reader. Matt Baker's illustration is the one of the few (in this series) that utilizes the entire cover, allowing for a more robust composition. Baker captures the scene perfectly. Other artists in this St. John golden age comic include Ralph Mayo and Enrico Bagnoli. This is 21 of 28 Authentic Police Cases issues by Baker.
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Baker cover pencils and inks = ****

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Authentic Police Cases #29 - Matt Baker cover Authentic Police Cases #29 - Matt Baker cover Reviewed by Ted F on 3:20 PM Rating: 5

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