Authentic Police Cases #22 - Matt Baker cover

Matt Baker
Authentic Police Cases v1 #22, 1952 - Bursting into a generic office, three gunmen commit a robbery while taking an attractive female hostage. The figures are in close quarters but Matt Baker's composition maintains clarity. A subtle circular path leads the eye clockwise from the bespectacled man to each character's face to the pistol. Though the gun is a relatively small element, the black-on-white contrast adds emphasis. Other artists in this golden age crime comic include Enrico Bagnoli. This is 16 of 28 Authentic Police Cases issues by Baker.
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Baker cover pencils and inks = ***

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Authentic Police Cases #22 - Matt Baker cover Authentic Police Cases #22 - Matt Baker cover Reviewed by Ted F on 3:29 PM Rating: 5

1 comment:

DanMan said...

I like how the bespectacled man looks like he was worked over a little, with his clothes and tie all ruffled.

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