House of Secrets #102 - Nestor Redondo art

House of Secrets #102
House of Secrets v1 #102, 1972 - When a lonely building superintendent reveals his hidden cash, a thieving couple conspire to take it from him. Nestor Redondo turns in an admirable effort on this tale of attraction and deception. The artist deliberately combines the girl with the hunchbacked super in many panels, contrasting beauty against grotesqueness. His terrific drawings are supplemented by small details, including the hunchback subtlely listening in on a background conversation (page 2 panel 3). In addition to Redondo's fine work, the issue is packaged in an eerie Michael Kaluta cover. This issue also includes artwork by E. R. Cruz, Quico Redondo and Abe Ocampo. This is 3 of 10 House of Secrets issues by Redondo. /// Redondo gallery
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"A Lonely Monstrosity" Redondo story pencils and inks 8 pages = ***

Nestor Redondo
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House of Secrets #102 - Nestor Redondo art House of Secrets #102 - Nestor Redondo art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:53 PM Rating: 5

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