Astonishing Tales #6 - Barry Windsor Smith art

Astonishing Tales #6
Astonishing Tales v1 #6 featuring Ka-Zar and Dr. Doom, 1971 - A fiery god on horseback suddenly appears, bringing thunderstorms and rising waters to the Savage Land. Primitive and roughly executed, Barry Smith's art has an undeniable excitement. His finest Ka-Zar tale of the series, the work is comparable to his best Conan issues. Much of the credit goes to Bill Everett, whose inks maintain much of Smith's spontaneous gestures. Also notable is the issue marks the first appearance of Dr. Bobbi Morse (two panel cameo), who would later become a hero in her own right. Other artists in this issue include George Tuska and Mike Esposito. Cover by John Buscema. This is 4 of 5 Astonishing Tales issues by Smith.
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"Ware the Wind of Death" Smith story pencils (Bill Everett inks) 10 pages = ****

Barry Windsor Smith
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Astonishing Tales #6 - Barry Windsor Smith art Astonishing Tales #6 - Barry Windsor Smith art Reviewed by Ted F on 8:41 AM Rating: 5

1 comment:

mtlevy said...

Only time Everett inked BWS - love this story!

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