Eerie v3 #136 - Nestor Redondo cover

Nestor Redondo

Eerie v3 #136, 1982 - Brightly colored in flaming hues, this magazine cover introduces a new intergalactic hero. Fending off a volcano creature, Starlad stands his ground in this fine Nestor Redondo painting. The richness in color and skillful gradations are hallmarks of a seasoned veteran. Interestingly, the accompanying story art inside (by Vic Catan) mimics Redondo's lush style but lacks nuance upon closer inspection. Other artists in this bronze age magazine include Howard Chaykin, Rudy Nebres, Luis Bermejo, Bill Draut, Fred Carrillo and E.R. Cruz. This is 2 of 3 Eerie issues by Redondo.
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Redondo cover painting = ***

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Eerie v3 #136 - Nestor Redondo cover Eerie v3 #136 - Nestor Redondo cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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