Warlock v2 #2 - Jim Starlin cover & reprints

Jim Starlin
Warlock v2 #2, 1982 - Reprints of Strange Tales #180 (remaining pages), Strange Tales #181 and Warlock #9 reside in this edition. Accompanying them is a new Jim Starlin cover, recreating Warlock's battle with the Magus. The hero reels from the impact of the attack, his body momentarily suspended in space. Superbly drawn, it's easily the most dynamic cover of this series. This is 2 of 6 Warlock v2 issues by Starlin.
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Starlin wrap-around cover pencils and inks = ***

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Warlock v2 #2 - Jim Starlin cover & reprints Warlock v2 #2 - Jim Starlin cover & reprints Reviewed by Ted F on 9:22 PM Rating: 5

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