Robin Hood Tales #6 - Matt Baker art, mis-attributed Baker cover

Robin Hood Tales #6
Robin Hood Tales v1 #6, 1956 - On this last cover of the series, a dagger appears to have been flung past Robin Hood's leg on the center right of the layout, looking clumsily out of place. The dagger is more likely lying in the background, made confusing by poorly placed motion lines. As usual, the Matt Baker short story outshines everything else within the issue. Note how the opening fight scene positions the swords and staffs to create more dynamic angles. Other artists in this golden age comic include Sam Citron. This is 5 of 5 Robin Hood Tales issues by Baker.
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"Deal with Doom" Baker story pencils and inks 4 pages = ***

Matt Baker

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Robin Hood Tales #6 - Matt Baker art, mis-attributed Baker cover Robin Hood Tales #6 - Matt Baker art, mis-attributed Baker cover Reviewed by Ted F on 8:28 PM Rating: 5

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