Tarzan #214 - Joe Kubert art & cover

Tarzan v1 #214 dc comic book cover art by Joe Kubert
Joe Kubert
Tarzan of the Apes v1 #214, 1972 - This eye-catching cover is more fantastical than usual, and perfectly suited to the interior story. An Edgar Rice Burroughs adaptation, Tarzan temporarily suffers from wild hallucinations after ingesting putrid food. The art by Joe Kubert is one of his best to date, from the two-page spread of an orgiastic village feast to the full page splash of an albino gorilla. His well paced layouts tell the tale with clarity and maximum effect. With this issue, Kubert hits his stride on the series. This story was later reprinted in Tarzan #257. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Dan Green. This is 8 of 44 Tarzan issues by Kubert.
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Kubert cover pencils and inks = ***
The Nightmare" Kubert story pencils and inks 18 pages = ****

Tarzan v1 #214 dc comic book page art by Joe Kubert
Joe Kubert
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Tarzan #214 - Joe Kubert art & cover Tarzan #214 - Joe Kubert art & cover Reviewed by Ted F on 12:57 PM Rating: 5

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