Wild Boy of the Congo #12 - Matt Baker cover

Wild Boy of the Congo v1 #12 - Matt Baker st john golden age comic book cover art
Matt Baker
Wild Boy of the Congo v1 #12, 1955 - Perhaps the weakest of his covers on the series, Matt Baker nonetheless does a capable job. The artist employs several diagonal lines in the composition but leaves depth to a minimum. Wild Boy of the Congo swings into the scene's foreground, defending himself against a gunman. The antagonist's face is unkempt and unshaven, usually an indication of the story's villain. Other artists in this golden age comic include Frank Kramer. This is 2 of 5 Wild Boy of the Congo issues by Baker.
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Baker cover pencils and inks = ***

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Wild Boy of the Congo #12 - Matt Baker cover Wild Boy of the Congo #12 - Matt Baker cover Reviewed by Ted F on 11:59 AM Rating: 5

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