World's Finest Comics #280 - Don Newton art

World's Finest Comics #280
World's Finest Comics v1 #280, 1982 - Kid Eternity guest stars in the Shazam feature, revealing himself as Captain Marvel Jr.'s long lost brother. Most of the story retells the kid's origin, ably drawn by Don Newton. The layouts are fairly conservative, but the resurrection scene below excels in its inventiveness. This story was later reprinted in Shazam! The World's Mightiest Mortal #3Aside from the main Batman Superman tale, other stories feature Hawkman and Green Arrow. Other artists in this dollar comic include Trevor Von Eeden, Larry Mahlstedt, Alex Saviuk, Bob Smith and Frank Chiaramonte. Cover by Rich Buckler and Steve Mitchell. This is 27 of 28 World's Finest Comics issues by Newton.
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"The Secret of the Freeman Brothers" Newton story pencils (Frank Chiaramonte inks) 9 pages = ***

Don Newton
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World's Finest Comics #280 - Don Newton art World's Finest Comics #280 - Don Newton art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 10:33 AM Rating: 5

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