Creepy #80 - Alex Toth art

Creepy v1 #80, 1976 - Set in the late 1880s, a photographer invents a stunning new technology in film. While consulting with patent attorneys in New York, he also falls for a beautiful sophisticate. Alex Toth's story is masterful in both drawing and design. Heavy uses of black are accompanied by more sensitive gray-toned washes. Not surprisingly, the imagery looks appropriate for the era. Most unusual is the tale's horizontal orientation, setting it apart from the rest of the issue. Neither adding nor detracting from the artwork, Toth used the same technique in Weird Western #14. Other artists in this bronze age magazine magazine include Jose Ortiz, Ken Kelly, Esteban Maroto and Martin Salvator. This is 10 of 15 Creepy issues by Toth.
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"Proof Positive" Toth story pencils and inks 8 pages (black and white) = ***

Alex Toth
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Creepy #80 - Alex Toth art Creepy #80 - Alex Toth art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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