Midnight Tales #12 - Don Newton, Steve Ditko art

Midnight Tales #12
Midnight Tales v1 #12, 1975 - While traversing the Himalayas, an expedition is beset by a group of angry Abominable Snowmen. Don Newton does an admirable job depicting both the remote settings and various characters. Like many of his works, his dramatic lighting effects play a major role in creating the proper mood and tone of the story. Steve Ditko's tale places a group of archeologists in South America, in pursuit of ancient Incan treasure. Sadly, the artist squanders the opportunity of an exotic locale, opting for a minimal and oversimplified graphic approach (see interior page below). His drawings of encroaching army ants and hungry piranha are more benign than threatening. This bronze age comic includes art and cover by Wayne Howard. This is 1 of 1 Midnight Tales issue by Ditko and 2 of 4 Midnight Tales issues by Newton.
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"The Snow Men" Newton story pencils (Dan Adkins inks) 5 pages = ***
"The Red Army" Ditko story pencils and inks 6 pages = **

Don Newton

Steve Ditko
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Midnight Tales #12 - Don Newton, Steve Ditko art Midnight Tales #12 - Don Newton, Steve Ditko art Reviewed by Ted F on 5:05 PM Rating: 5

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