Tarzan #77 - Russ Manning art

Tarzan #77
Tarzan v1 #77, 1956 - Recapturing his army of trained elephants, King Molithi gains the upper hand in his war against Queen Nana. The Brothers of the Spear join him after being freed from capture. Mostly smallish panels fill this Russ Manning tale, laid out more conservatively than I expected.The artist does, however, seemed to have mastered drawing elephants, which occupy most of the panels. Other artists in this golden age comic include Jesse Marsh. Photo cover. This is 39 of 133 Tarzan issues by Manning.
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Untitled Brothers of the Spear story Manning pencils and inks 6 pages = **

Russ Manning
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Tarzan #77 - Russ Manning art Tarzan #77 - Russ Manning art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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