Big Town #9 - non-attributed Alex Toth cover

Alex Toth

Big Town v1 #9, 1951 - Alex Toth's cover makes best use of a pivotal scene from the last story. A heroic journalist leaps from a taxi to rescue his abducted female companion. The direction of his figure and facial expression appear to place him jumping in front of the vehicle rather than on the kidnappers themselves, but otherwise Toth's strong design sense is clearly evident here. The taxi heaves toward the left as it makes a sharp turn, making the composition more dynamic. In addition, some prices guides have neglected to credit Toth for this cover. This is 1 of 2 Big Town issues by Toth.
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Toth cover pencils and inks = ***

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Big Town #9 - non-attributed Alex Toth cover Big Town #9 - non-attributed Alex Toth cover Reviewed by Ted F on 4:04 PM Rating: 5

1 comment:

Danman said...

Dig the backwards opening cab door. Nice cover, though it does seem that sequentially the next panel would have a "splat" caption.

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